The pond gardens are looking (and smelling) nice this time of year, with highly scented dianthus 'Sweetness' that can be smelled at twenty paces, 'Prairie Breeze' Buck roses, boxwood shrubs, and water lilies in the pond. The Garden Shed, Tractor Shed (with the new trellises I installed a few weeks ago on it), and little red Grand Chicken Hotel can be seen in the background. |
The End Of May: what a glorious time in the garden! In my gardens anyway, as I think the flowers that bloom now are probably the loveliest possible and therefore I tend to plant many of them. It's not that I don't want anything blooming earlier or later on, but I regard this time as the most beautiful.
It's also the time when I'm usually winding down the spring gardening work, moving from a "making changes" and planting role, to more of a maintenance role: mowing, keeping the weeds under control, watering. And that's good, because it can start to get hot around the First of June, and these maintenance tasks can be done in cooler mornings and evenings, when it's a pleasure to be outside working among the beautiful flowers and lush, green plants.
Here are a few scenes from the past week or so:
Clematis 'Multi-Blue' on the north side of my garage. |
One of the iris in my new Iris Border. |
Itoh Peony 'Julia Rose'. |
A single pink peony in the Rainbow Border. |
Poppies and daisies in the Rainbow Border. |
Iris 'Red at Night' in the Rainbow Border. |
Amsonia hubrichtii (Arkansas Blue Star) in bloom. |
'Bartzella' Itoh peony in my Yellow Garden. |
'Mary Rose' David Austin English Rose in the West Island. I never got around to pruning this rose in spring, and it seems to be happy with my neglect. |
'Seminole Wind' climbing rose in my Front Border. This is the first year this rose has bloomed so well, and is starting to get some height. |
The 'Zepherine Drouhin' climbing roses in my Front Border are nearly the only plants left there, after my clearout this spring, but they're looking nice this week. |
Little Kitty is looking cross in front of 'Blaze' climbing rose and a pink peony on the east side of my garden shed. This also is the first time 'Blaze has bloomed so well. I planted one on each side of the shed door, but the one on the left has died twice now. I have taken cuttings again from this plant and will try one more time, after which I will give up and plant something else -- clematis perhaps. |
The view over the east fence and Herb Garden, with Sweet Williams and painted daisies in the foreground. (This bed used to be named the William and Mary Bed, because the 'Mary Rose' roses were here together with the Sweet Williams, but Mary has left William....) |
One last look in the evening back toward the house and windmill, together with the Pond Gardens, Rainbow Border and Herb Garden. |
The End of May: the loveliest phase, the peak of flowering, the most glorious time of year. I hope you are enjoying beautiful weather and glorious flowering in your own gardens as we enter this month of June. Thanks for reading! -Beth
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