A New Google Earth Aerial Photo!

The newest Google Earth aerial photo of our property, taken in June 2014. Click for greater detail.

I've been waiting for over a year, hoping since last fall that Google Earth would soon have a new aerial photograph of our property, and I finally noticed one has been added! The last photo had been taken in September 2012, and we have made some significant changes to our gardens and added several new areas since then. I could hardly wait to see what the changes would look like from the air, and the new photo clearly shows all the major changes we've made this year and last year.

The previous photo, taken in September 2012.

The changes can be seen if you compare the two photos:
  1. The Kitchen Garden and chicken pen, lower left, hadn't been laid out yet, although the lumber for these was waiting on the edge of the driveway in September 2012.

    The Kitchen Garden.

  2. The Gazebo, bottom right, wasn't in place until Spring 2013.

    The Gazebo, in the distance.

  3. The new West Island and North Island, to the left of the house, were laid out and planted in Spring of this year.

    The West Island.

  4. One of the two ash trees behind the house was removed this spring and the border on the north side of the house was extended into the new Yellow Garden.

    The Yellow Garden, with the North Island at right, and West Island
    at left, in the background.

  5. The North Border, behind the house and in front of the windbreak, was extended and redesigned in Spring 2013.

    The North Border.

  6. The Rainbow Border, to the right of the driveway, has filled in since it was planted in early 2012.

    The Rainbow Border.

  7. The mulched area near our LP tank, to the right of the house, was extended this year.

    The LP tank area, with Herb Garden in front and the Rainbow Border
    at right (taken from an upstairs window).

Seeing these changes from the air has been very exciting for us. Google Earth is a valuable tool for gardeners, giving us a bird's eye view that helps in garden planning, as well as in making garden maps. Do any of you use Google Earth to help in planning and designing your garden areas, or for any other uses?

Thanks for reading! -Beth
